Hey, I'm Oshan.

I write about consciousness studies and political economy, tinkering at the cross-roads of the social and contemplative sciences.

In the past, I was a staff writer with Future Perfect at Vox, where I covered things like post-scarcity, advanced meditation, psychedelics, anti-poverty, universal unemployment benefits, and what it would actually take to reduce the working week.

I co-founded the Library of Economic Possibility (LEP), a modern database that organizes research on high-leverage economic policies, and publishes interactive summaries.

I hosted the Musing Mind Podcast, where I held long-form conversations with economists, scientists, and philosophers at the intersection of consciousness and economics.

Each of us are here only briefly, as startling blinks of wakefulness, bundles of flesh & possibility in a vast, rich, & strange cosmic neighborhood. So firstly, let’s navigate with kindness, zest, & curiosity.

Yes, I have a newsletter. Join here for occasional updates, missives, and short essays.

––––– Writing

You can find a full archive of my past writing for Vox here (happy to provide pdf's via email for anything behind their paywall).

For my more personal stuff, you can look through the essay archives of this site, like my profile of Annie Dillard's writing, or my newsletter, with pieces that do things like interrogate the common theme of "resonance" across neuroscience and sociology.

––––– Podcasting

In 2019, I started the Musing Mind podcast. I had no idea what I was doing, but I wanted an excuse to speak with authors looking at how the structures of society and the structures of minds relate.

Then it grew, and I wound up with a spot for long-form conversations on everything from the nature of minds and economies to drugs and the politics of leisure time.
Capitalism and the self, with Barnaby Raine
An intellectual history of how the economy shapes the subjectivity of self-hood.
Musing Mind — host, 2020
Emancipatory social science, with Christian Arnsperger
What would an economics that aims directly at "emancipation," rather than using intermediaries like "growth" or "GDP," look like?
Musing Mind — host, 2022
From digital capitalism to acid communism, with Emma Stamm
What fueling an economy with "data" does to the regions of the mind that can't be so easily expressed.
Musing Mind — host, 2021
What the 21st century psychedelic 'renaissance' is missing, with Oliver Davis
How the psychedelic humanities show the value — and risks — of tripping that a medical approach misses.
Musing Mind — host, 2021

I've also guest- hosted Vox's philosophy podcast, The Gray Area, and been a guest on a few shows:
Your mind needs chaos
The human mind is designed to predict, but uncertainty helps us thrive.
The Gray Area — guest host, 2024
What do animals, or AI's, feel?
How to make welfare decisions without solving the mystery of consciousness
The Gray Area — guest host, 2024
The question that matters most for AI consciousness
How will we ever know if AI's can suffer?
Unexplainable — guest, 2025
Psychedelic sea change, with Oshan Jarow
How could legalizing psychedelics actually work?
What Could Go Right? — guest, 2024

The internet is for finding people — I'm in Brooklyn, and always up for a walk in Prospect Park. Or, get in touch:

E: oshanjarow [at] gmail [dot] com
Twitter: @OshanJarow
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